What I’m noticing more and more lately, when I’m interviewing candidates, is that their first response, when I ask what they’re looking for is; “a work from home role”.
And just to add some context, we are talking about candidates who have been able to maintain their employment, but take their jobs remotely, or home in most cases. No, not Bali! We wish!!
I’ve spoken to Finance Manager’s, Communications Specialists, Executive Administrators, and the list goes on, but the same response almost always starts with “I am looking for work from home”, regardless of the job!??
I remind these candidates that they shouldn’t forget they have key skills to bring to the table and should continue to apply for relevant roles because they will most likely be a ‘work from home’ job. Once we start talking out loud about this, they better realise what they need to do.
I think we really have to play our part in this as consultants and remind our candidates to stay positive and believe in themselves. It really is tough at the moment, so any little reminder we can offer people about focusing on their skills when looking for work, is vital in our role as recruitment professionals.
Be sure to stay on your path because things will get better soon!
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