The other day I was reflecting on my time playing sport as a teenager, particularly about the coaches and mentors who I was lucky to have met and learn so much from. There was one, in particular, who stood out in my mind. He was an imposing man who taught at the local karate school. He was definitely not someone you would want to meet in a dark alley!
I remember going with my father to have a look and see if karate was something worthwhile for me. After watching the class for 10-15 minutes, I distinctly remember my father turning to me and saying, “If you decide to take this guy’s class, I’m happy to pay for you to come here.” There was clearly something about the way he led the group that caught my father’s and my attention. There was an inner passion, determination and fulfilment in watching his students become better, stronger and more determined individuals than when they first walked through his doors.
Today, it leads me to wonder, how much of this inner passion exists in modern day leadership? Is there any real value in managers being passionate about seeing their subordinates become more skilled, confident, and ultimately better people? Or are managers so entrenched in the achievement of high stats and figures that they forget this leadership characteristic must exist in order to inspire employees and help them achieve and develop?
Employees generally crave leadership. They want to know they are on a path which is constantly evolving. They seek guidance, growth and a sense of value and purpose in what they are doing for themselves and their organisation. I believe it is a manager’s responsibility to offer and nurture this through a passionate and genuine approach that gains an employee’s trust in them and belief in the objectives of the business. So, in essence, it’s not necessarily all about what you do when managing staff. The attitude and passion displayed in your leadership is of equal, if not more important value, in achieving employee engagement and drive.
I’m a firm believer that this approach can go a long way toward gaining trust, respect, belief and development from employees. It will also leave an important, lasting legacy for managers and the organisation overall.
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