Default Author • September 29, 2020

Is your dream career what you believe it to be?

What is your dream career? 


We might often sit back and wonder, “what if?”. Is there an ideal job in your sights that feels just a little out of reach? As much as we might think this could be the case, quite often, we may not be aware of the true inner workings of a role, and what we might perceive to be “ideal”, may in fact have hidden challenges. 


It is often difficult to understand a role and what it involves unless we've been exposed to it in some way. Because of this, it is vital we learn as much as we can about a job before we invest in a pathway that leads us to our desired destination. 


Some things you can do to arm yourself with sufficient knowledge are:


  • Partner with a good Recruitment consultant who specialises in your industry. They are often a great source of knowledge who can guide you on strategy and give you more of an insiders perspective, based on their experience dealing with and placing people in similar roles 

  • Reach out to people who have been, or are performing these jobs. This can easily be done by searching Linkedin and online forums. It is often a great way to understand the challenges we may not be aware of as an outsider 

  • Consider a position that works in closely with your ideal job. This will give you the best insight into what a job is really like


It's important to set career goals, particularly when your not feeling motivated and challenged in your current role. Having said this,we don’t always have to stretch ourselves to get that next promotion or pay rise. It is also OK to feel comfortable at any point in our careers. 


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