Default Author • September 15, 2020

What I learnt from Anh Do!

I know a lot has been written lately on Interview tips, and I’m sure we’ve all taken a lot away from these tips from professionals in the Industry, but there is something that is often missing from this list of tips, and that is a person’s genuine interest in another person.

If I am interviewing a candidate and they show genuine interest in me, my client, and the role I am recruiting, I will naturally engage better with this candidate.If you haven’t seen Anh Do’s show on the ABC, Anh’s Brush with Fame, I highly recommend it!

Anh invites captivating Australians into his painting studio for an in-depth conversation about their life, allowing him to represent them on canvas. At the end of the show he represents his guest with a portrait of themselves. He has an amazing ability to capture their personality, it is quite remarkable! How does he do this? 

Aside from his artistic ability, he has an incredible way of getting his guests to share their story in quite a vulnerable and honest way. I think we can all do this, perhaps not come up with artistic impressions, but we can show more genuine interest in the people we engage with in our day to day dealings.

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