Default Author • March 24, 2020

Uncertain times and employment – What my experience has taught me…

In these times of uncertainty, it is easy to get caught up in all the hype of stockpiling, toilet paper chaos and high-level panic. Watching and listening to the developments on the news and social media has thrown many people into survival mode.

Similarly, companies react by freezing anything that may put them at risk of loss or a slow-down in productivity. While this may be a sensible response, we need to appreciate that we can and WILL recover.

In my opinion, what is critically important, is the need to come together as a community, and act in a way that will benefit, not only ourselves, but our nation. Posting doom and gloom comments on social media, usually not backed by credible evidence, feeds more panic and only contributes to the worsening of the situation.

When I opened Alexander Appointments, I did it with a mindset of “collaboration”. It was the nucleus of our focus, and what we felt was missing in an industry heavily driven by an individualistic, stats-driven model. Collaboration is something I feel we need to adopt in times of crisis, ensuring we avoid falling into the trap of selfishness fed by panic. Unity is what got my business through recessions and slowdowns in the employment market.

I think this same mindset is what “we” as a country need to adopt in order to overcome pandemics and any other crisis situation the world wants to throw at us. It’s what being Australian is all about. Let’s consider others in these times of need. Because selfishness has a domino effect that eventually comes back to bite every one of us. I firmly believe if we harness the power of community and collaboration, we will undoubtably overcome these hurdles at a much faster rate.

We are currently doing our bit by checking in on all our clients and contractors, to ensure they have the support and reassurance they need as we work together to manage their needs in a way that best suits their interests. We are also checking they have proper processes in place to avoid getting caught out.

This reassurance goes a long way to inspire confidence and friendship, which I believe is critical in times like these. I did not go almost 20 years in recruitment without understanding that genuine care is what drives strong relationships.

We are doing everything possible to maintain a “business-as-usual” approach, even if it will look a bit different for awhile. However, I am confident there will be a revival and we, as a nation, will come back stronger and more resilient as a result of the Coronavirus experience.

I encourage all our community to reach out to their families, work colleagues, neighbours, the frail, the elderly, or anyone who looks like they may need support. If we can all collaborate in this way, we will go far in achieving normality again.

I’d like to welcome anyone who feels they need advice, wants to bounce some ideas around, or simply needs to talk about the current climate or anything recruitment. You can call me on (02) 9659 4411, email me at or connect with me on the Linkedin tab below.

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