Default Author • August 20, 2020

Be Water

I was thinking back the other day to some well-known words spoken by the legendary Bruce Lee -”be water”. He was describing how a Kung Fu practitioner was continually striving to be like water, using examples such as; when you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put it into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you cannot punch it and hurt it, you cannot grasp hold of it. He was effectively describing that, as humans, we are always going to be faced with challenges, and we must be adaptable in order to overcome them and live happy and successful lives. No more important time to adhere to this philosophy in one of the most difficult periods to hit our globe in centuries!

Over the past few months, I have seen businesses scrambling to adapt to what has been a Tsunami effect on our working and cultural lives. It has not all been bad news though, with many of these businesses (including ours) forced to re-invent themselves and figure out ways to continue trading the best way they can. Through this, we have begun to see new markets and new ways of working, which have opened new opportunities that perhaps were never thought possible. Working from home has been the clear stand out example, with this option perhaps unheard of for some businesses prior to COVID19, and now a realistic option after a “forced” trail period that has opened our eyes to new ways of working.

If anything good has come from this pandemic, It’s the fact that a willingness to adapt to change and an openness to new opportunities and structures can help businesses and their workers to be more successful and agile in responding to sudden market changes.

So, i think the big message for all of us here is - be agile, be fluid, embrace change and always be open to new opportunities, through this pandemic and beyond. “Be water my friend” (Bruce Lee – 27/11/1940 – 20/07/73).

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