Default Author • September 11, 2020

What advice do we give our COVID cohort?

It has certainly been an interesting year! COVID has turned our world upside down, and as much as we are trying to combat and find a remedy for

this pandemic, there is no doubt it will leave some scars on our economy. This raises a very big question to ask Australian career professionals;

“What advice do we offer our next generation of workers?”.

School leavers and university graduates have already overcome many hurdles and had to adapt to new ways of living in record time! Perhaps you could call it an “apprenticeship” for what is to come, as we navigate through unchartered waters, having to adapt to the changing landscape COVID has created. There is no doubt it will require us to be lateral thinkers, accepting change and adaptation as a norm, without trying to focus too far into the future.

So, what advice do we give our young graduates? I feel it should be to make sure they try and develop skills they can utilize across a variety role types. Of course, it is difficult with some careers requiring a specific set of skills, and not much opportunity to explore others. However, even if this is the case, there may still be opportunity to experience other jobs, such as looking out for part-time roles whilst undertaking studies to broaden skill sets. It could be a job completely unrelated to what a person is studying i.e. someone studying for a job that doesn’t require much contact with the general public may want to look at a part-time opportunity at a bar or retail shop to expose themselves to engaging with people. This can be a very useful addition to a resume when markets shift suddenly and skill demands change, forcing people to pivot and look at other alternatives to temporarily make ends meet. Granted, it may sometimes require a person to step out of their comfort zone, but it could be well worth the effort!

The future of work is looking less predictable, and a varied skill set is a critical consideration to ensure stability and adaptability at work. Being mindful of the skills one can use across varied role types can go a long way towards ensuring a more stable working life.

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