Default Author • September 15, 2019

Have you ever been "ghosted" by your recruiter?

Recently, I spoke with a candidate who used the term, “ghosted,” when she referred to not having heard back from her recruiter after an interview with their client.

Whilst I had never heard this term before, what amazed me was how it flowed from her tongue ever so casually, almost like she was not alarmed or even surprised by this.

I, personally, live in constant guilt because I know I’m not always able to get back to everyone who wants more information on a role, or who wants to know why we’ve deemed them unsuitable for a role they applied for. Quite simply, there are not enough hours in a day. However, I always give feedback if a candidate has taken the time to meet with me and has been interviewed by a client. In fact, I always give as much feedback as I receive from the client. I couldn’t imagine not doing this! Having all invested considerable time with each other and the process, the relationship should not come to an end if they candidate hasn’t been successful. Rather, we should continue the journey and provide as much support to our candidates in their pursuit of a new role.

We are only human and I’m sure that in my 20 years of recruiting, there may have been an occasion where I have not provided feedback to a candidate post-interview. However, I would like to think that if they had requested an update, I would have responded with feedback within a reasonable time-frame.

In saying this, it is important to acknowledge that it is very much a two-way street, and it is just as important for candidates to communicate with us if their situation changes or they secure work through their own sources. Recruiters are often juggling multiple client and candidate demands. Chasing us and keeping us on our toes, helps us respond and answer any questions, particularly post-interview.

Recruiters are notoriously known for not getting back to their candidates. While I do believe that the industry has to lift its game, I also need to acknowledge that it is often candidates who don’t get back to their recruiter. We always ask for feedback from candidates post-client interview. However, there have been many times when candidates, some of whom are senior candidates, have been offered positions and then have decided not to proceed. Rather than speaking with their recruiter about their decision, they simply send an email. I call this “ghosting” as well.

Why does this happen? Does our industry carry a label where candidates feel like it doesn’t matter anyway: “recruiters don’t get back to us so why should we get back to them? ”

Well, I beg to differ! I think we should all remind ourselves of the back-to-basics common courtesies our parents taught us: the manners we’re hopefully imparting to our children!

If we all just communicate better with one other, we may actually enjoy the recruitment process a little more and, for those of us that have a conscience, may actually sleep better at night!

Maybe this was a rant, but I think it needs to be said……

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