Default Author • February 5, 2020

“How I source candidates in a tough recruitment market”

After 20 years in recruitment, Danijela Negro – Director of Alexander Appointments discusses why she chooses a unique recruitment model

After 20 years in Recruitment, 17 of which have been spent running Alexander Appointments, do I still love what I do? Absolutely! Why? Because of the relationships I’ve developed with my clients, candidates and the team I work with every day.

And it’s a great team. You see, we don’t follow the mainstream agency model where consultants are pitted against each other, working on their own, striving to meet KPIs. In other words, our consultants don’t have a “These are MY clients and MY candidates,” mentality.

So, what’s different about the way we do recruitment?

Our approach is one which puts collaboration at its core. Our consultants pool together their candidates and clients to get the best possible results. Each role has a lead consultant but they don’t work in isolation. They’re supported by the entire Alexander Appointments team. That is, ALL our consultants are briefed across ALL job orders allowing us to act promptly with any queries. This ensures job orders are handled efficiently, regardless of whether the principal consultant is immediately available or not.

With this collaborative approach, clients and candidates have the benefit of our full team working for them, not just one consultant.

But that doesn’t mean being handed from one consultant to the next

The lead consultant provides genuine consultation with both clients and candidates allowing us to better understand their requirements, resulting in more long term, successful placements.

We believe that taking the time to get to know our clients is vital. Knowing the client isn’t just the detail you find in a white paper or website, but also the insight you gain when they’re comfortable to share finer details about their team and the challenges they might be experiencing.

Recruitment is a tough gig! If the foundations aren’t there and trusted relationships aren’t formed, it just doesn’t work.

Working WITH you

Another benefit of our approach is it allows us to be agile. We have the ability to recruit autonomously, in conjunction with, or as a supplement to, clients’ existing talent acquisition teams. We respect that clients often have existing solutions, teams, and even RPO’s to support their recruitment needs. We can, therefore, provide tailored solutions to support internal processes for both tailored fee structures and\or part recruitment solutions.

Ultimately, the team at Alexander Appointments benefit by working in a friendly, cohesive environment, where everyone looks out for each other. While this may sound old-fashioned, we believe our success is testament to the fact that this team-based approach works for us and our clients. We believe our model provides a foundation for establishing strong relationships based on reliability and a trust in what we do.

Let's get in touch!

I would love to learn more about you, your business, how you go about sourcing talent and how we could perhaps assist in widening that talent pool.

Shoot me an email so that we can arrange a mutually beneficial time for a meet and greet or phone consultation. Meantime, don’t forget to connect with me on Linkedin.

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Ready to start the journey?

Search positions or find talent online, or get in touch with us via email. We can’t wait to meet 

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