Default Author • October 26, 2018

So…. what do you do?

We’ve all been there: standing around at a party, making idle chit chat with someone you’ve just met, whose name you’ve already forgotten, when they lean over and ask that question. You know the one. The one that will be followed with either genuine interest and respect or complete disinterest and possibly, even disdain.

Their reaction will, of course, depend on where you sit on the “worthiness” scale of employment. Tell someone you’re a doctor, a lawyer or an investment banker and the reaction you receive will undoubtedly be quite different than if you tell them you’re a factory worker, a checkout operator or…. heaven forbid … a stay-at-home mum or … gasp …. a stay-at-home dad!

I remember an encounter I once had with a specialist doctor at such a gathering. He was about to go into his own private practice and, after talking about himself for considerable length of time, decided it was time he asked what I did for a living. I was self-employed as a graphic designer and freelance writer at the time and when I told him, he leant over, patted my arm in a sympathetic way (like I’d just told him I was dying) and then proudly announced that once he opened his practice, he would get me to “do” his business cards. After taking a deep breath, I felt compelled to tell that condescending doctor that I had, not one but two university degrees, and that he should go to his local printer for his business card needs. I know that I shouldn’t have felt the need to defend my job or my intelligence but I did.

Danijela Negro, Director at Alexander Appointments, agrees that unfortunately, in today’s society we are quick to judge people based on their jobs.

“When I tell people I work in recruitment, I instantly feel like I need to justify that I’m not like other recruiters. I feel they’re judging me negatively. But when I tell them I own the company, there is a completely different reaction,” she says.

In contrast, Jade Vella, Senior Recruitment Consultant at Alexander Appointments loves when people ask her what she does for a living.

“People generally react very positively when I tell them I’m in the recruitment industry because the role and the industry suit my personality,” she says. However, Jade agrees that people should not be judged on their jobs and this attitude is one that Alexander Appointments espouses when dealing with all clients and all candidates.

“We respect and give the same time to clients and candidates regardless of their position,” she said.

“From the receptionist to the CEO, we all play a pivotal role in the company we work for. One role doesn’t work without the other,” Jade says.

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