Default Author • December 11, 2018

Tell us your best office Christmas party story and win!

We’ve scoured the internet, talked to staff, friends and family in a bid to find the funniest, weirdest and most horrific office Christmas party story.

We’ve found a few but we’d love to find out if our readers can come up with one better. So, if you have an office Christmas party story that you’d love to share, send us an email for your chance to win two Events Cinema GOLD class movie tickets.

Alcohol disaster

Lisa was designated to make the trifle for the office Christmas party and when reading the recipe mistakenly poured in four cups of port instead of four tablespoons. Suffice to say, the trifle was not the success she hoped for!

Party or not: sexual harassment is not on

A CEO who was notorious for getting drunk at the annual Christmas party and then becoming very touchy-feely got more than he bargained for when, during the office Christmas party, he got way too friendly with a new employee in front of everyone. She promptly informed her father (a QC) who filed a sexual harassment case against the CEO just a few days later. Last we heard, the CEO was no longer at the company.

Sometimes it’s best to propose in private

At this party, the Director made a big show of proposing to his girlfriend in front of everyone. Much to his dismay she not only said no but confessed that she’d been having a six-month affair with his Co-Director.


We loved the story of a man who fell asleep in a toilet cubicle during the office Christmas party only to wake up to find that the entire restaurant was empty and he was locked in.


We’ve all heard about people getting drunk and photocopying their back-sides but this guy took it to the extreme. While trying to photocopy his derriere, this employee managed to smash the glass in the process. He ended up in hospital with shards of glass needing to be removed from of his rear end.

It’s always good to check if the person you’re in love with is single before trying to reveal your feelings. In this story, a love-struck employee serenaded his office crush not realising that her boyfriend was present and didn’t appreciate the serenade! A fight erupted and both ended up in cells for the night.

If you think you’ve got a better story and would like to win two Events Cinema GOLD class movie tickets email us at by 31st December.

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